Shopping cart abandonment is the biggest pain for eCommerce business owners. They increase bounce rates and reduce conversion rates for your business.

Statistically, 70% of consumers abandon their shopping carts. It’s because of this statistic that Shopping cart abandonment rates should never be ignored.

We can go so far as to say that they have the potential to make or break your website.

In this post, we’ll be discussing seven ways you can reduce shopping cart abandonment rates on your eCommerce store and recover the sales you’ve lost.

So, let’s start.

Provide Live Chat

Live chat leads to higher conversion rates for your store. They work as a digital sales assistant and help customers with queries when they need them most.

With those queries solved, customers can easily move along with their purchase without any problems.
Now, you can’t have a human behind the live chat desk at all times. To counter that, there is plenty of live-chat automation software that connects with your store to provide stellar customer service.

Besides the obvious conversion rate benefits, live chat helps you map out your customer service efforts with rich data. These analytics can help guide you in the eCommerce journey by providing you superior support.

Authentic Costs

One of the most obvious reasons for shopping cart abandonment is the hidden fees that any online business charges on checkout.

When the process is completed and the customer sees the bill, it comes with those associated costs. This prevents customers from purchasing further from the store.

In addition to that, they will also harm your store by going off to the competitor with authentic prices.

The best way to counter that is to use a variety of pricing methods that either absorbs the hidden costs or adds more value to the customers’ purchase with giveaways that are equivalent to the additional costs.

The end goal is to be authentic as you possibly can to avoid incurring the extra costs.

Multiple Payment Gateways

Not all your customers are going to have the same payment option. Some are going to pay by credit card, some by PayPal, and others by Stripe, who knows?

Some users even have a preferred payment gateway through which they pay. Now, the customer won’t subscribe to a new payment gateway just because your store doesn’t have their preferred option. It’s the customer’s court and you have to do the work.

You should always have multiple payment options in your store. This ensures that whatever payment gateway they have, you provide it. This doesn’t mean that you should integrate all sorts of payment gateways into your store. You should select a few popular payment gateways and integrate them into your store. If you’re running a local eCommerce business, then it’s best to use a payment system that’s based on that particular location.

Yes, while it does increase our operational costs to a certain degree, in the long run, it gives your customer convenience. We all know that a satisfied customer is a key to any eCommerce store’s success. In time, those upfront fees you pay to the provider will look like a change when you’re getting regular orders.

Include a Progress Bar


Include a Progress Bar - Shopping Cart Abandonment

One of the most exciting phases of the eCommerce journey is the product selection process. Right after that is the administrative work: the checkout phase.

To some users, the checkout phase is bothersome since they just want to purchase and get things over with. Most eCommerce business owners add just too much to their checkout and then complain about their abandonment rates.
The ideal eCommerce checkout journey is short and quick. Whether you’re running a B2C or B2B eCommerce store, you need to ensure that your journey is quick and efficient.

A good way to make sure that users know how much administrative work they have to do is to include a checkout bar aka the progress bar.

This gives them the convenience that their purchase is near completion. It also motivates them to complete the purchase as quickly as possible.

The main benefit to this is that they help your store to commit to the process. When they know how much time they have, they will quickly go through the process and checkout. This, in turn, reduces the abandonment rates and helps conversions.

Product Thumbnails on Checkout

An often-overlooked reason behind abandonment rates is the fact that you don’t have images present in the checkout phase.

People sometimes purchase a lot of products from an eCommerce store. This ultimately means that they forget what they have purchased from the store.

To keep them aware of what they have purchased, you should always include a section where you show a carousel or images of what the customer has bought. This helps keep the customer on track with their purchase and reassures them that they’ve bought the right products.

Prominent CTAs

The ultimate goal of your CTAs is to keep the customer on track with the purchasing journey. Make your CTAs alluring and clear to make visitors click on the website. By distributing the process evenly across the website, you can gain better conversions for your eCommerce store.

Besides the product pages, you should include the CTAs on your checkout pages as well. By adding CTAs to your checkouts, you’re keeping the customer from clicking on the “Close Tab” button. When it comes to using typography and design, you should keep it all universal to ensure that the users are likely to click on it. It increases conversion rates and causes a decrease in bounce rates for your eCommerce store.

Final Words

Shopping cart abandonment is a bother to deal with. It causes a sharp rise in bounce rates and reduces conversion rates. But it’s not the end of the world entirely.

With the six steps we’ve mentioned in this post, things become a lot easier. All the strategies are good ways to get started with reducing your bounce rates and shopping  cart abandonment.

Thanks for reading this post. Happy conversions! Checkout the Best eCommerce Tips here.